After struggling for years with fibromyalgia and finally having no choice but to leave a job in the corporate world she absolutely loved, Lynn Milne found herself stranded without any medical answers and without an identity. How do you define your worth when it has been defined for you in all the years you worked for someone else?
The road to reinventing Lynn Milne has be wrought with depression, confusion and many dead ends - especially in trying to figure where she may be able to contribute to her family's financial situation and leave a legacy for her sons that she could be proud of. The last place she ever imagined was working for herself, as herself. If authenticity has a name today, it is upheld by those who truly work to serve others.
In the last few years, Lynn has grown beyond recognizing her former self; and has her healing modalities under one umbrella at Lynn Milne Harmonious Healing. Based out of Durham region, she helps people on their healing journey change the quality of their lives.
Lynn is a certified Colour Mirrors Practitioner, a metaphysical Soul Healing Practitioner, certified in BETR (Bioenergetic Emotional Trauma Release), a Reiki Level II Practitioner, and an advocate for holistic, healthy living in a healthy body with Modere.
And finally, after much self-discovery and personal work with different coaches, Lynn is one of the founding Guide Facilitators for the Soul Adventure™ Game. Lynn believes that transformation is not possible without growth, growth is not possible without a strong foundation, so when you find a community that provides both, you find yourself again.