What does everyone mean when they talk about Shadow Work? What does that include, what’s the purpose, and why do others say it will change our lives for the better?
Shadow work is the beautiful art of looking inwards at those parts of you often kept in the shadows, diving deep into your own inner world to uncover, acknowledge, and heal those hidden parts of yourself.
Those parts of yourself that have been hurt, that have suffered trauma, betrayal, or loss. It's not easy, but it's incredibly transformative, empowering AND possible when you have a guide who knows how to support you to see what you don’t want to see.
Our inner self, our wounded inner child, comes out when we experience specific stimuli in our environments.
Like when we are triggered by something or someone, then we feel sad or angry. It often causes us to lash out, to react to an issue in a way that we may not normally handle things.
When we have these reactions, it is so important to recognize and become aware of them, when they happen, what caused our inner self to react in that way, and what the deeper root of the issue may be.
We can’t control what the world throws at us, but we can control the way we react to those challenges without crumbling.
We can take an active role in the way we respond to tribulations by working on those deeper parts of our psyche.
Embracing our shadows allows us to achieve greater self-awareness, emotional healing, and personal growth.
It's a path to becoming our most authentic selves and breaking free from our limitations.
When we can show up in this way our relationships with others improves because we are not reacting from our wounded parts but from our true self.
Grab a journal, call a friend, or simply sit with your thoughts without judging them.
Dive into this new world of self-compassion and innerstanding, and watch as your world on the inside changes your view of the world outside.
Comment below your favorite way to listen to and embrace your inner self.
Want to learn more about doing this valuable and life changing work with me?
Book a Clarity Call at the link in my bio or visit my website ourpurosefuljourney.com